The cuisine of Lesotho - Africa

Africa Lesotho LS Gabon Tunisia Sao Tome and Principe Gambia Niger Ethiopia Sudan Eritrea Somalia Equatorial Guinea Sierra Leone Egypt Mauritania Mauritius Morocco Djibouti South Africa Mali Seychelles Cape Verde St Helena, Ascension Tristan da Cunha*** Madagascar Libya CAR Comoros Liberia Reunion Chad Western Sahara Cameroon Guinea-Bissau DRC Kenya Zambia Swaziland Cote d’Ivoire Nigeria Namibia B. F. Guinea Mayotte Angola Uganda Tanzania Ghana Botswana Senegal Burundi Rwanda Lesotho Togo Benin Congo Mozambique Zimbabwe Malawi Algeria

The foods of Lesotho

Lesotho is a small country in Southern Africa, covering an area of about 30,350 square kilometers. It is a scenic enclave landlocked by South Africa and crisscrossed by rivers, valleys, and tall mountains. It towers at 3,482 meters above sea level with the lowest point at 1,301 meters and about 80 percent of the entire country at 1,800+ meters making Lesotho the only country in the world that lies entirely 1,000 meters above sea level, and hence the nickname “The Kingdom in The Sky.”
The types of Cuisines in Lesotho are influenced by:
The regional cuisine Appetizer recipes coming soon
Main recipes coming soon
Side dishes recipes coming soon
Dessert recipes coming soon
African - See the recipes Appetizer recipes coming soon

Main recipes

Moroccan spiced chicken breasts Moroccan spiced chickpea soup Skillet chicken and rice Side dishes recipes coming soon
Dessert recipes coming soon

Cooking in Lesotho