Cooking with eggs

Whole eggs are among the most nutritious foods on the planet, containing a little bit of almost every nutrient we need. Omega-3 enriched and/or pastured eggs are even healthier.
Eggs are high in cholesterol, but eating eggs does not have adverse effects on cholesterol in the blood for the majority of people.

How to Test the Freshness of Eggs

1. The Sink or Float Test

1. Place the egg in a bowl of water. .
2. If the egg lays on its side at the bottom, it is still quite fresh. .
3. If the egg stands upright on the bottom, it is still fine to eat, but should be eaten very soon, or hard-boiled. .
4. If the egg floats to the top, it's past its prime, and not good for eating. .

Why this method is accurate Eggshells are very porous. Over time air passes through the shell into the egg, and its shelf life diminishes as more air enters the shell. Also, the more air that enters the shell, the more buoyant the egg becomes.

2. Shake the Egg (Gently)Test

Shake the egg near your ear. If you don’t feel or hear any movement, the egg is fresh. If you feel or hear the egg moving around inside with a sloshing sound, it’s bad!

3. The Crack Open Test

Simply crack an egg open on a flat plate. If an egg is fresh, the egg yolk will be a nice spherical shape and the egg white will be white in color and amassed around it. In a slightly older egg, but still fresh, the egg white will look transparent; the older the egg the more the white will run when you crack open the egg.

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